Buhler-AHS Europe


Buhler-AHS is a leading manufacturer of professional autonomous adiabatic humidification systems with a wide range of applications: in residential, office, administrative, public and industrial premises. The company was founded in 2007. The range of equipment was assembled on the basis of a machine-building holding in Canada, but in 2023 production was moved to Europe (France). At the starting of the sanctions, our company Buhler AHS Industry, the official distributor of Buhler-AHS, established a successful parallel import. Having its own servi


Phone Number: +7(495)1514521
Email: info@buhler-ahs.shop
Site: https://buhler-ahs.eu/

121596, Moscow, Gorbunova st. 2 building 3 BC Grand Setun Plaza
Phone:+ 7 ( 495 ) 1514521
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